
Let's All Go Fly a Kite!

I take Leif to story time at the local library every Tuesday and this week's theme was kites.  The kids all made their own cute but unusable kites to take home.  Leif had so much fun running around with his kite that yesterday when the wind was whipping, I promised him a trip to the park with a real one.  We waited for Jodi to come home and headed straight to the sandy beaches of our local state park where our big kite had plenty of room to do its thing.

The next time we go we'll try making one of these first.  Click on the link to watch a great tutorial on kite making that is simple enough to pull off with regular household materials (they even suggest making the tail out of plastic bags) and with the help of a child.  The tutorial comes from a 30 year strong free kite making program called, "20 Kids, 20 Kites, 20 Minutes" at the Big Wind Kite Factory in Molokai Hawaii.  Check out the Big Wind Kite Factory's website to view their quirky selection of handmade designs.


  1. I love kite flying. So fun. B.

  2. Thanks for the idea! I think I may use this at school.

    By the way... you are an awesome momma!
    Megan :)

  3. I have been meaning to take my son out for kite flying - thanks for the post - I will get off my bum and do it now.
