
Be Out There

Leif's first sled ride!

I know we're guilty of staying inside too often - especially when the air inside is much warmer than the air outside.  Now that Leif is old enough to enjoy the snow, I'm going to have to suck it up and get out there.  My sister-in-law just sent this great link to the National Wildlife Federation's new campaign, called Be Out There.  Check it out and consider making the pledge to get yourself, your pets and your kids outside more often!


  1. Thank so much for your support!! This is a little scary, but on there's now a link to a story about a new report on how much screen time kids are consuming (7hrs, 38 mins, per day)!!

    Anne Keisman
    Be Out There

  2. Yikes! Hard to imagine where they find the time - that's like an entire work day.
